New Course: Philosophies and Mythologies of World History
Vico, Goethe, Spengler, Toynbee, Quigley
Beginning on Saturday May 13 at 2 pm MST and continuing until June 24, seven weeks in all, we will be examining the visions and cosmologies of world history at my online school. We will begin by discussing the concept of the Kali yuga in Indian mythology and contrast it with the Zoroastrian myth of the cosmic arc. Then we will move into a discussion of Vico’s New Science, Goethe, Spengler, Toynbee and Carroll Quigley’s Evolution of Civilizations. Join us for coffee and discussion at The John David Ebert School for the Study of Culture, Cosmology and the Arts. It will be a blast! Promise! The fee for enrollment is $250. Here is the link:
Not trying to be an ass, but can we get some more stuff as subscribers? I can’t do class because I’m either working or reenacting on Saturday. I LOVE your work and will pay you more for more content. I just want more JDE